We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website!
Our new website provides our existing and prospective clients a simple yet interactive view of our work and the services we offer.
Peter Perry Insurance |
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website!
Our new website provides our existing and prospective clients a simple yet interactive view of our work and the services we offer.
Peter Perry Insurance |
New Website Coming Soon!
We are currently revamping our website. Our new website will be interactive and mobile friendly!
Peter Perry Insurance |
Investors today are faced with ever-changing market conditions, an often overwhelming amount of information from the media and an increasing number of investment choices. It’s not surprising that the world of investing can seem complex.
Peter Perry Insurance |
Today, I’m going to show you one of the most advanced investment skills you could ever master…
But I don’t want to tell you upfront what today’s lesson is about. I want to see if you can figure it out yourself. So don’t skip ahead.
Peter Perry Insurance |
[Today], let’s begin a short series on “How to Get Rich.”
First, you have to learn to love being poor.
You may think I’m joking. I’m not. I’m just exaggerating a little. The point is you can’t be afraid of poverty. Because if you are going to get rich, you’re going to have to take chances.
Peter Perry Insurance |
A diverse set of transferable skills is mandatory for this generation.
Generation Y (Gen Y), also known as the millennials, is a generation of tech-savvy individuals, born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s. There are over 12 million Gen Y’ers in Canada — the largest demographic group since the baby boomers.
Peter Perry Insurance |
“Dividends don’t lie.”
It’s one of my favorite Wall Street sayings. Accountants can mess with a company’s books in all kinds of ways, but they can’t fake a cash payment. And if a company can pay a dividend, it’s almost always making money.
Peter Perry Insurance |
You’ve probably heard about America’s huge debt load. The U.S. government’s financial obligations now exceed $663,000 per American family. This burden will fall on the youngest Americans.
It’s unethical. It’s unfortunate. But it’s the reality.
Peter Perry Insurance |
Borrowing to invest doesn’t always lead to tax deductions. For interest to actually be deductible, clients must take out loans that lead to the earning of income from a business or property.
Peter Perry Insurance |
MAKING MONEY: The most popular piece I’ve published in 40 years of writing these Letters was entitled, “Rich Man, Poor Man.” I have had dozens of requests to run this piece again or for permission to reprint it for various business organizations.
Peter Perry Insurance |
A segregated investment fund (also called a Guaranteed Investment Fund or GIF) is commonly thought of as a mutual fund, which is only partially correct. A segregated fund is actually an insurance contract with two parts..
Peter Perry Insurance |
In the language of life insurance, a beneficiary is the recipient of the proceeds of the policy when the named insured dies. The owner of a life insurance policy has a great deal of flexibility in naming beneficiaries and can generally name anyone he or she chooses, but insurable interest has to exist in order for a beneficiary to be named. When making beneficiary decisions, it is important that the wishes of the policyowner are fulfilled and that legal complications are avoided.